Our Hiking Trails
Paradise Trail leads all along the coast at 150 meters above sea level where one walks through the fynbos-thicket mosaic. This trail falls within the territory of a breeding pair of caracal, but besides them, bushpig and bushbuck are the most frequently found on this trail.
Yellowwood Trail is in the valley along the foot of the frontal dune which leads through a milkwood forest. This specific forest patch is home to a variety of animals from bushbuck to the Blue mantled crested flycatcher, and even the Cape flightless dung beetle.
Milkwood Trail starts off at one of our largest milkwood individuals, hence the name. The shallow holes found along the trail are from porcupines digging up roots and bulbs, and in return, these holes are perfect traps in which dispersed seeds can germinate to add to the diversity of life in the forest.
Protea Trail leads up the sandy dune along the Dune crow berry plants which is a hedge forming dune endemic. This trail is dominated by shorter vegetation consisting of a mix between fynbos and thicket species, and is part of a territory being defended by a genet.
Erica Trail starts in an area dominated by succulent plants which leads into a fynbos habitat, and then transitioning into a thicket-dominated habitat. The diverse habitats along the trail, is home to an array of different animals from vleirats to Jackal buzzards.
Lily Trail meanders down the dune to our wetland where the Yellow-billed ducks breed in between the reeds. Along this trail we also find the beautiful Chandelier lily, and in the water some water lilies.
Pinetree Trail leads over a thicket-dominated dune into a valley dominated by fynbos vegetation. This trail is home to the Black-backed puffback and some Steppe buzzards.